
22 March 2021
Mandy (1952)
Mandy (1952)
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Alexander Mackendrick – MANDY

4 out of 5 stars

  • Beautifully crafted.
  • The chiaroscuros signal the position and the stance of the author and suggest a moral perspective to the viewer.
  • Acting, particularly for what concerns the little protagonist.
  • Maybe, the theme of the relationship between wife and husband (although revolutionary back then) has aged quite a lot for a nowadays viewer.

Do we recommend it?


A great, emotional film who strikes in the throat leaving the viewer speechless (as well). Masterfully crafted by Alexander Mackendrick, Mandy is an unforgettable film that forces the spectator to get emotionally invested and involved in rooting for the little kid and her mother. The moral impetus (socially seen as immoral) of the battle that the mother fights won’t leave you feeling numb.

At the bottom of the page you will find the trailer to decide for yourself whether to watch it or not.

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Now, nothing left to do here, you just have to go and watch it, unless you have something to say about this movie and you want to share it with us on this platform. Feel free to leave a comment at the end of the page and say whatever you want about the film. On this site, we are always happy to host others’ opinions on cinema.

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