
2015 | Massimo
2015 | Massimo
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“Perché stando coi giovani, nun te poi permette di invecchiare”

Title: Massimo

Year: 2014
Length: 7′

Role: Director/ Producer/ Screenwriter/ Editor/ Sound Mixer

Production notes:The objective for this short documentary was to focus on faces. Rome is a city with thousands of different faces, many of them share with the city itself the sign of the history. The face, the (hi)story that we wanted to follow is about the porter of a student house that can be found in Rome and who everyday of his life has got to coordinate entrances and exits of young people coming from every part of the world. Realised for “Laboratorio di cinema documentario” (prof. G. Pannone)

DoP: Luigi Mangia
: Massimo Baieri
Music: Get the blessing, Tom Waits
Crew: Sonja Stegic/ Cecilia Carlini/ Fabiola Di Renzo

Technicals: 1:78/ Colour / Shot on a Canon EOS 60D/ Italian
Filming Location: Roma, Italy.

Where to watch it: password restricted due to distribution rights, please contact me if you have any query in regards.

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Categories: Documentary